How to Prepare for Anesthesia before Your Oral Surgery

How to Prepare for Anesthesia before Your Oral Surgery

Oral surgery will generally require the use of an anesthetic, and in most cases, you’ll be completely asleep throughout the procedure. This is mostly for your own benefit, as you’ll be more comfortable throughout the process.

However, it is important that you prepare for your surgery and anesthesia properly. While your oral surgeon will provide you with specific instructions, there are a few steps that you’ll want to keep in mind:

  • Eating and drinking. You won’t be able to eat or drink anything, including water, for eight hours prior to your oral surgery.
  • Smoking. You shouldn’t smoke for at least 12 hours prior to surgery. Ideally, you should attempt to cut down your smoking well ahead of this time frame, possibly even a few weeks. You’ll also need to avoid smoking after surgery in order to promote the best possible healing response.
  • Bringing a guest. It is important that you bring a responsible adult along with you to your oral surgery appointment. This person will need to sit and wait throughout your procedure, and they will also need to drive you home following your surgery.
  • Cosmetics. On the day of your appointment, do not wear excessive makeup, lipstick, or nail polish.
  • Clothing. Be sure to wear clothing that fits loosely with sleeves that will roll up past your elbow.
  • Accessories. Remove your dentures before surgery, and keep your jewelry at home. You should also keep your contact lenses out.
  • Illness. Remember that if you are feeling ill the day of your surgery, even if this is something as simple as an upset stomach, a sore throat, or the common cold, you should let us know right away. You may need to reschedule your appointment.

Anesthesia during oral surgery is a safe procedure, but in order to get your surgery started off without a hitch, be sure to follow these pre-operative instructions.

Please contact us if you have any questions about anesthesia.

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