Spark™ Clear Aligners

Discover The Advantages Of Spark™

When you look in the mirror, do you want to see an improved smile looking back at you? Clear aligner treatment from Spark™ can help you to achieve a healthier and more attractive smile, while letting your results do the talking.

With this convenient form of treatment, you will receive a custom set of progressive trays that gradually shift the location of your teeth along your oral ridge. Simply wear your orthodontic solution throughout the day, removing them only at certain times. For instance, you will want to take them out when you perform your routine brushing and flossing, and you will need to remove them while you eat. Beyond that, your treatment will continue to improve your alignment, even while you sleep!

Spark™ Brings You A More Advanced Orthodontic Treatment

With clear aligner therapy from Spark™, there are notable advantages over the competition. This discussion must start with the superior materials found within this form of treatment. Our solution uses a sophisticated medium known as TruGEN™, which brings bold new innovation to clear aligner technology. This material also gives you the opportunity to have a nearly invisible orthodontic process.

Your Clear Aligners Can Help Keep Your Teeth White

TruGEN™ can also help you to avoid unnecessary stains, with protection that is stronger than with other leading brands. If you are a fan of red wine or coffee, this can be an additional advantage for your smile. At your next checkup, talk to your dentist about all of the benefits of this groundbreaking clear aligner therapy.

Clear Aligner Treatment From Spark™ Is An Affordable Option

In addition to the other advantages of Spark™ clear aligners, this method of treatment can help you to save. Our office understands that positive dentistry is a need for all, not just the few. Talk to our team of orthodontic experts at Advanced Family Dentistry & Braces about your needs, and we can work to reach a solution that is financially feasible for your family!

Learn More About How Spark™ Can Help You

With our team at Advanced Family Dentistry & Braces, you can achieve a more attractive smile with clear aligner treatment from Spark™. Give our team a call at (512) 384-1951 and ask your dentist about all of the advantages of a nearly invisible orthodontic solution!